Thursday, October 6, 2011


Huhhh… finally a nice Saturday morning that means sleep in! But as soon as I TRY to go back to sleep my big brother storms in my room like a over weighted old elephant and said "hey earwig get up were going fishing". Well that just ruined my sleep in. I really hate fishing I remember when I got so feed up with my fishing rod because it wouldn't catch a fish that I threw it in the water. Dad said my punishment was that I had to go to every fishing trip we go on. So obviously I have to go on this one. I just hope I don't get sea sick again.
1hr later. We live just outside of Otane so it takes about 2hrs to get to the beach. It's so boring in the car you have always got nothing to do. Finally we are there it was freezing at the beach. Dad said it would warm up on the boat but I thought to myself it would just rain. Dad and Matt unhooked the boat and we all jumped in. Dad started up the motor. We were getting our fishing rods ready when I suddenly turned into a psychic because without surprise it started raining. Dad threw my fishing line into the water. I sat inside the shelter box on the boat I smelt something weird I checked under & over things around stuff but I just couldn't find it. I hadn't checked in one place that was under the pillow I lifted up the pillow and guess what I found A ROTTEN SANDWICH!!! I threw the pillow across the boat & screamed! Just then I felt my rod wiggle and wiggle and wiggle! I ran over to it I grabbed it and wound it up it was taking for ever to get it up to the surface. Dad finally helped me, it was about 3 mins after I realised that it was a pretty big fish. It was there I couldn't believe my eyes it was a giant Swordfish.
After Matt caught one, we all headed back. We had tea on the beach my favourite fish & chips. We also had a bonfire we sang some kiwi songs and the one thing I learnt today was that it's not the fishing rod that catches the fish it's your patience. And guess what? I actually go on every fishing trip that we go on just me and my fishing rod.
By Erin – Rm 20

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