Saturday, September 10, 2011


Here`s something boring. You're going on a bus to a movie called Zombie Blood Party with your grandma. Well sort of your grandma and actually you're going to see a love story.
You look out the window. Your grandma`s moving but she`s moving, hmmmm let`s see, at a snail's pace. "Hurry up lady! It`s likely we're going to leave without you!" someone yells out. I'm guessing it's the bus driver but she doesn't hear him. She`s half deaf. I tap on the window, but she still doesn`t hear.
5 minutes later (it felt like forever though) she finally got on the bus. We hurried into the movies. They had started half an hour ago, so we had to wait until the next movie. At last we got in. I sat in between two guys. As soon as the movie started it was interesting, but only one thing spoiled it. Well, actually two things spoiled it. One, I didn`t have any popcorn and two the movie was in BLACK AND WHITE!
I tried to get out but the two men beside me had put their feet up. I tried to get out but they wouldn`t budge. Guess I'm stuck here. Oh and did I mention I would rather watch the love story with my grandma instead?

By Nicole

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